
Hard west difficulty
Hard west difficulty

hard west difficulty

It is possible and necessary to build relationships with each of the characters, since this will provide important information not only about our fighters, but also about the Hard West universe. They also contain the shepherd’s main tool – a trusty revolver.

hard west difficulty

The priest decided to take the balance between life and death into his own hands. Lazar, a former preacher who turned his back on the church and mired in corruption, hasn’t worked with his peers either. At that time he had to show unimaginable cruelties, now he only tries to hide from the former “brothers” and of course from the oppressive feeling of guilt. The prairie-born Wapiti has also endured some pretty dark days of service in the cult of the Shadow Dancers. Like Flynn, a mysterious girl with supernatural powers who went through hell on earth in an orphanage and wants to find out who her father was. Jin’s team turns out to be very, very curious individuals with their own hidden motives, personal goals and a tough past. Despite this, the adventurer did not despair, on the contrary, the devastating fiasco only fueled his desire to defeat the cunning Lord of Darkness, who is cutting through the prairies in a monstrous train. But Gene Carter, the protagonist of Hard West 2, decided to try his luck anyway and of course (and deafeningly) failed. The Horned One always finds a trump up his sleeve (even if that trump wasn’t in the original deck). Important plot scenes are presented through spectacular and aesthetic illustrations – even in a frame and on the wall!Ī well-known fact: to sit down at the table with the devil and even risk your soul is a deliberately lost idea. Although it wasn’t without uncritical dropouts. However, what has remained unchanged: the dark, mysterious and oppressive atmosphere of a Western with plenty of supernatural elements, a strong tactical component and memorable characters. Improvements have also been made to some game details – for example, the luck system has been slightly revised, the mechanics of card combinations have been improved, which affects the abilities and skills of the heroes. The sequel has a strong and coherent story that focuses on a specific group of characters, which allows you to feel the drama of the “Hard West” much more sharply. The narrative, for example, no longer consists of different novels, but only indirectly united through the world, events and characters. Un 7.Hard West 2, as befits an exemplary sequel, rethinks many of the ambiguous choices of the first installment and greatly enhances its successful aspects. El resultado de todo ello es un juego bastante recomendable para los aficionados al género. Y, al menos en mi tiempo jugándolo, me encontré algunos bugs pero ninguno de ellos demasiado grave. Lo mismo se puede decir del sonido, que cumple bien en todas las facetas, especialmente el doblaje, y peca un poco de una música sin demasiada inspiración pero tampoco mala. Gráficamente el juego no es increíble pero si cumple bastante bien para mantener el interés y crear un entorno de vaqueros sobrenatural que es llamativo y diferente. Donde más flojea es en la variedad de armas y, sobretodo, en la personalización de los personajes y su progreso, ya que avanzan linealmente desbloqueando habilidades en base a la mano de cartas que tienen, de modo que hay poco margen de personalizar más allá de los bufos pasivos de las cartas concretas utilizadas. Tiene una variedad decente de enemigos y de situaciones. Esta presión por ir rápido a mi no me acaba de convencer, soy más de jugar pausado y cuidadoso (especialmente jugándolo por primera vez directamente en la máxima dificultad), pero tampoco te presiona tanto como para que resulte molesto. Pero sobretodo tiene una jugabilidad muy sólida y que, gracias al sistema de bravado y a los rebotes de las balas, invita a jugar de un modo diferente al típico del género, de un modo más agresivo para enlazar rachas buenas de kills. Tiene una historia curiosa, no tremendamente apasionante, pero que está bien sobre demonios, trenes fantasmas y movidas del estilo. Tiene una historia curiosa, no tremendamente Hard West 2 es un buen juego de estrategia por turnos que refina lo ya visto en el primero. Hard West 2 es un buen juego de estrategia por turnos que refina lo ya visto en el primero.

Hard west difficulty